Thursday, March 16, 2006
The Danny Show
This is my first time writing a blog, so please, as a reader, be gentle . . .
With that written, uhhh, hello. I've wanted to write one of these blog-things for a while now, but I've never felt that I've had anything important enough to write about. I read some of my friend's blogs and they're insightful and personal and passionate. They write about inner-growth and self-discovery, and I always feel a little inadequate in expressing these pontifications. The only inner-growth in me are tumors and I've discovered myself quite enough for my taste. Furthermore, the things I get passionate about are really superficial and don't seem to be important enough for other people to read about -- like my outrage that Fox cancelled Arrested Development, how much the new GI Joe sucks, and my belief that President Bush is what happens when the devil and a retard mate (you can choose which one is which with George Sr. and Barbara).
I feel like I finally found something important enough to write about: my feelings on God. Now I don't know if God really exists (and none of you do either) but IF he does, I think I figured out why he created us (if we didn't create him).
Here it is: We were put on this earth to entertain him. We're God's TV. Each one of us is a different show, and he checks in on us to see what wacky adventure we've gotten ourselves into this time. I'll say this for the human race -- we may be cruel and destructive, but we're very entertaining. What other explanation could there be? The wars, the extreme poverty, the abused children, the other crap -- this is not the will of a kind God. It is, however, the will of a God that wants quality entertainment. I can respect this. If we were put on this planet for any other reason, then God seriously screwed up.
I bring this up because I feel that my life occasionally receives a bit of divine intervention -- and I can understand why. I don't live an especially interesting life, and I feel like sometimes God gets bored. Fair enough (I do too). I swear, the timing of some things in my life have the hackneyed plausibility of an episode of Mr. Belvedere. Usually these instances of suspect timing or wacky misunderstandings involved women (specifically my inability to get any -- some of them are pretty funny), but recently, he's been interfering with my job. Apparently, me being unemployed is funny to God. After having a job in the field of my choice (cartoons) in New York, I decided to give LA a try. For 9 months, I sent out resumes and met with people to try to get back in the industry. For 9 months, I didn't hear a peep. I got literally zero responses from the hundreds of jobs I applied to. So, I decide to stop wasting my savings and head back to the east coast. Two days into my drive across the country I get a call. It's someone who wants to interview me. The position was perfect for me. It was exactly what I was qualified for, and was exactly what I wanted to do. Could I interview tomorrow? The boss will be on a trip for the rest of week, so that was the only time they could fit me in.
Ha ha. God, that's a good one. To end this little tale, I arranged speak with them next week with the plans to get on a plane and pretend I still lived there -- but when I called them at the planned time, I ended up speaking directly to the person they ended up hiring.
I probably sound bitter, but I'm not. It would just make me feel better to know that God, in some capacity, is interfering in my life and having a jolly old time. It'll hopefully keep me from being cancelled for a while . . .
Alamere Falls and redemption
14 years ago
1 comment:
Yo! Long time, no see! Good to see you actively participating in the "blog-o-sphere". God's T.V. show eh? Have you ever read any Lovecraft... A particular story comes to mind about our lives being the dream and our dreams being "real" life. Guaranteed to blow your mind. Anyway, hope all is well man,
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